A challenge to Strengthen the Church of Myanmar.
[Acts 9:31] Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace and was strengthened. Living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers.
Last week, we told you that our first priority building project is to fund a small gathering room for the house church of Pastor Dar Na. This is a growing group and needs to have some space for activities and evangelism events. We can build a simple but adequate shelter for $8,000. We immediately received a gift of $1,000.
Then, Praise God, we had a supporter call and offer a matching challenge to raise the remainder. Their challenge is a matching fund of $3,500. Your gift will be matched dollar for dollar until the full $7,000 is reached which will give us the funds needed to do the construction. This needs to be fully matched by year-end. That will give us time to complete the structure before the rainy season starts.

Would you pray about this need and ask God how you might be able to participate in raising this amount?
The photos above are prophetic words that the strengthening of the Church results in growth as evidenced in the baptism of new believers. Last week’s email saw Judah report that he would take the new believers to Yangon where they could be baptized. And so you see them, young and old, experiencing the washing away of sin.
You can help to Strengthen the Church of Myanmar.
This is the third week of our Campaign and we are excited about the progress and blessing that God has given us. We are moving forward with several projects that were in our initial email on this subject and you will hear more about soon. Our first action was to raise funds to purchase food to be distributed to families in and around the churches. That is still an active need as Covid has severely impacted the country which is mostly shut down. Last week, we kicked off the project to do some necessary construction for our churches and orphanages. We have also received gifts for the technology upgrades which we hope to do shortly. And our project to translate some teaching materials into the Burmese language is making progress on permissions and plans for the work by a team of bilingual English/Burmese speakers. Please consider how you might make one or more of these possible. You can give online by clicking the button below and indicating which of these projects you would like to financially and prayerfully support.
You can give by check by sending it to Mission Myanmar, 1501 Steve’s Rd, Clermont FL 34711. If you have questions, please contact me at joe@missionmyanmar.org or call me at (321) 217-5290. If you have ideas for funding this need such as the Matching Challenge, let’s talk and see what we might do.
Thanks for all you are doing for Myanmar and the Kingdom of God.
Joe Snyder, Treasurer, Mission Myanmar Boa