So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they increased in numbers daily. Acts 16:5 ESV

Dear Supporter,
Thank you for your support in the past for my work with Mission Myanmar. I was last there just a year ago and expected to be there again this month. However, this is no longer possible due to the pandemic and international travel restrictions. The people of Myanmar are ordered to stay home, stay inside, and only one person can go out to procure food or two people can go if going to a clinic. Churches have been required to shut down. Internet access is not widely available although Judah has recently begun delivering a weekly sermon online which people can listen to on their cell phones.
Judah and I (in consultation with our Board of Directors) have been working on some ideas and created a theme for “Strengthen the Church of Myanmar”. The Board of Directors of Mission Myanmar has reviewed and updated our operational plans to meet critical needs that require funding.
Many pastors and church leaders have asked for assistance in their ministries in the way of good resource materials that they can study and use to lead, disciple, and grow their congregations. At first we thought we would need to start a project to translate some commentaries or other reference works. After a great deal of searching and networking with others involved in missions, we have found quite a few resources that we can acquire, if copies exist, or we could print and distribute ourselves. Consequently, we have created a plan and team to translate some newer materials into Burmese and perhaps some other languages.
Our strategy to strengthen the churches is based on making materials available and providing the technology to access them beginning in our Bible colleges. At the same time we will be working to recruit our best students to attend Bible college and provide ministry in the future. The critical need at this time is access to computers, Internet access, and other technologies for communication and instruction.
Please consider how you might assist us in acquiring the equipment and software that is needed. Several of our leaders are using very old PCs and laptops. I have observed some using their cell phones to write reports to their supporters in the US. A couple of leaders have had computers damaged in the pandemic and need something newer and more amenable to such writing and access to online materials. While students are not currently allowed to be physically present in a classroom, we need to be prepared to step up our efforts to make some shared computers available while also providing a large screen TV for use when in the classroom.
We also have a wonderful opportunity to honor a long-time elder of the Wireless Church of Christ who passed away recently, Mya Aye Israel. I am proposing that we create a scholarship program for any of our orphanage kids who want to attend Bible college and go into ministry. We would start with $50 per month to the student for room/board/incidental expenses and $50 per month for the school they are attending. That doesn’t sound like much but it is enough to support the student and help the school. We would continue to ask regularly for maintaining this fund.
I am inviting you to join our “Strengthen the Church Campaign” by donating at: Strengthen the Church in Myanmar 2020
Here are the details of our expected budget and requests.
Food Relief in the City
There is an urgent need for food relief in the city around the church.
Food Relief – $10,000
Construction of a Replacement Home
There is a need for construction of a replacement home for the pastor/manager of the Jung Byaw orphanage.The current old bamboo building is in poor condition and inadequate for the size of that orphanage.
Construction costs – $10,000
Construction for a House Church
Another need is construction for a house church in a rather remote community that needs space to hold meetings and services. The current house of the pastor is overwhelmed with the size of the group and they are asking to construct a small building next to the pastor’s home.
Construction costs – $8,000
Computer Equipment w/accessories
This is very much a technology based plan and we need to replace no longer serviceable equipment and software with current technology.
- 2 Laptop PCs $2,000
- 5 Desktop PCs $5,000
- 5 Chromebooks $2,500
- 1 Apple iPad Pro $1,500
- 1 Large LED TV $1,000
Library and Translation
We want to leverage everything that already exists by acquiring or reprinting translated materials while engaging volunteers who will translate current materials that we will publish and distribute (some with partner organizations).
- Existing Books and Materials $4,000
- Software, licensing, printing $6,000
- Translators meeting $ 800
Intranet for online classes
For the foreseeable future, our Bible schools need to provide online classes. We need an internal network and audio/visual equipment and software to deliver classes online.
- Camera, A/V equipment $1,000
- Server + software $2,000
- Internet monthly. $ 400
Scholarship Program
“Mya Aye Israel was one of the humblest men I have ever found. He was always the first to serve in the church. He had been one of the elders in Wireless church for many years.” Judah Tangshing
I am proposing that we establish a fund for scholarships to one of our Bible colleges to be given to any of our children who want to attend and go into ministry. Each student will receive $50 and the college $50 per month. Assume 10 students initially. We will continue to raise the funds for this use as we support eligible students.
- Initial scholarship fund $12,000
Yangon Orphanage
I know that the most dangerous and risky thing I did on my trip to Myanmar last year was to take a trip for many hours in the old truck that the Yangon orphanage has had for many years. It was about 20 years old 12 years ago when Judah purchased it. No seatbelts. No airbags. Nothing soft in the entire cab. Lots of previous problems like no working brakes. For the safety of the children and visitors, we need to help purchase a new (or newer) truck.
- Replacement for old truck $10,000
Our Appeal
Would you prayerfully consider how you might support our mission and our project to Strengthen the Churches of Myanmar? If you want to discuss how best to structure a gift, please contact me by email or phone (321.217.5290). If you want to fund some specific part of this campaign, please designate your gift with an accompanying note. Our timeline for work such as building, may be dependent on the pandemic restrictions but we would like to begin those tasks as soon as possible. Computer resources are urgently needed and projects are ready to start.
Thanks for being a part of the ministry in Myanmar.
Joe Snyder, Board Treasurer
Mission Myanmar is a 501C3, and board members are: Judah Tangshing, Suzanne and Jeff Kosik, Mike Shelly, Michael Chambers, and Joe Snyder. Mission Myanmar is administered by the Global Outreach Team at Real Life Christian Church. 100% of support goes directly to the mission. Transaction fees cover the cost of wiring the money to Myanmar and you have the option to help cover those costs when you give your support online.