Mission Myanmar
March 2024 Newsletter
God is Just
“Why does the wicked man revile God? Why does he say to himself ‘He won’t call me to account’? But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless. Break the arm of the wicked man; call the evildoer to account for his wickedness that would not otherwise be found out.” Psalm 10:13-15.

Dear Supporters,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank you very much for your prayers and support. May you all have a blessed Easter Season and as you remember the love and sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, please remember us in Myanmar. Thank you! Love Judah and Khaw Tangshing.
- Pray for the young people of Myanmar who are being conscripted to fight in the military.
- Pray for our disaster relief efforts. Thousands are continualy in need of food, clothing, medical supplies, and new roofs. God has called us to help as many as we can while still caring for our main mission objectives.
- Pray for the safety and provision of our evangelists, churches, and children’s homes. God has shown up in many miraculous ways! We give him great praise for his favor and loving kindness.
- Pray for our homes for vulnerable children open because they are full to capacity and these children need sponsors. Your sponsorship of our Children’s Homes helps us minister to all of the children, not just the one sponsored.
- Praise that God is moving in the hearts of many of the lost and discouraged people in Myanmar. We are sharing the gospel and baptizing more and more people each week.
- Praise that Judah and Khaw’s daughter Zamiwayne successfully completed her fall semester at Johnson University FL in Kissimmee! Please pray for her success as she gets ready to finish Spring Term. She will attend JUTN next year. And praise that their son Jonathan is doing well at his job in the US and that James is safely in Malaysia.
Judah, Khaw with sons James and Samuel. Judah with church leaders in Mytkyina.

From Judah concerning the current situation in Myanmar:
Because of the conscription law, the young people and the parents are terrified, and some of the young people are fleeing. Khaw and I worry about our own family and the kids in our care. Many people are dying or severely injured and losing their home. This hurts my heart. Injustice, stealing, lawlessness is everywhere. No one feels safe.
Everything is unpredictable. I was discouraged many times. Sometimes I just wanted to sit and do nothing. But God encourages me and reminds me of the purpose He has given me. I realize I am just a vessel before God. He wants me to be here in the midst of this terrible time to show hope to the hopeless.
Please help us to bring the hope of Christ to the hopeless.
In the midst of all the tragedy going on in Myanmar, there is hope because of our Lord and Savior Jesus! Judah, Khaw and their team of evangelists and churches are bringing this hope to the hopeless! Judah recently shared the following story about W. Soe and his family:

W. Soe and his family are our neighbors in the Yangon Region of Myanmar. We shared the gospel to them and W. Soe responded to our message of Christ and was baptized in 2008. He was the first convert among our neighbors, and was criticized and persecuted by our community. Despite this, he kept coming to the church for several years, but due to his wife’s constant criticism and that of his neighbors he stopped coming. We kept visiting and encouraging him and even brought basic needs to his family. W. Soe is a carpenter and he works diligently, but his income is very low and therefore his family suffers. They have 2 kids and the expenses of sending them to school is too much for them. But we constantly shared love and resources with them and 3 years ago W. Soe came back to church and brought his 2 kids. Last year both kids gave their lives to Christ and were baptized! Praise God! W. Soe and his 2 kids were open to the gospel because of your prayers and support over the years. Now W. Soe’s wife is also coming to the church and we continue to encourage them and we pray that she will also humble herself and accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior. W. Soe prayed to God and his prayers were answered and that is why he started returning to church. His son is now in Bible School!! We would not be able to help people like W. Soe and his family if it were not for Mission Myanmar Supporters who are generous in both prayers for us and in sending us support. This is the spiritual fruit that results by praying and helping with their physical needs.

Injured church members severely injured. Pictured (left) is one of the church members whose lower leg was completely blown off. Judah visits another church member (right).

Putao Children’s Home kids (top), and Yangon Children’s Home birthday celebrations. All made possible because of your sponsorships and support.