Shout with joy to the LORD, all the earth!

“Worship the LORD with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise.” Psalm 100:1-4
There is much to praise God for in this new year. Judah safely arrived in the United States in October and will head back to Myanmar in late January. It had been 7 years since his last visit and this is the longest visit he has made to the US. His youngest son Samuel was also able to travel here and completed his first term at college and has been accepted to Johnson University TN where his sister Zamiwayne is entering her senior year. While here, Judah has been blessed to have visited over 12 churches, traveled to at least 7 states, and met with many supporters and even family members! A big “Thank you!” to those who hosted him, invited him to share a meal, provided transportation to your church or home or took him on a fun outing. While he has been here, his wife Khaw and assistant pastor Aung Ram have been doing a fabulous job of overseeing the ongoing and vital ministry in Myanmar.
(pictured above: Yangon Children’s Home wishing us a Merry Christmas!)
Judah made good use of his time here in the US

(clockwise from top left): Judah teaching a bible study at Kissimmee Christian Church, guest speaker at Lake Eustis Christian Church and at a Burmese Church in Seattle, and speaking at Encounter Christian Church in Winter Park, FL.

Judah with congregation at Burmese church in Houston Texas.

Judah visiting Pastor Mike at Real Life Church and Pastor Joe at Tomoka Christian Church

Judah meeting up with former classmate Andrew Peterson at his Behold the Lamb of God concert in TN, and meeting Jeremy Elliot at New Beginnings in FL
Judah visiting with family, supporters & friends, with trips to the beach, Smoky Mts., SeaWorld, Magic Kingdom, and many more special places.

Ministry continues in Myanmar despite the ongoing hardships. Thank you for your faithful and generous support.
From Judah: Greetings to all the donors in the new year 2025. May you grow closer to God than in previous years. We thank you for your prayers and support of Mission Myanmar. Without your prayers and support, we would not be able to do the ministry in Myanmar.
I have been in the US visiting supporting churches and individual donors and spending time with our kids, and trying to settle things. Back home, the ministry is going well and Khaw went and encouraged several churches in Christmas season. Christmas season is a good time to evangelize the people because the unbelievers think Christmas celebration is fun.
Please pray for my daughter Zamiwayne to finish her degree at Johnson University TN successfully, and that my son Samuel will do well there. He will be starting his first term at JUTN soon and this is all very new and challenging experiences for him.
God spoke to me recently that He answers many of my prayers, but a few of them are not answered. And I asked Him why and He told me: “I left a few of your prayers unanswered because I want you to keep trusting me”. God’s plan is always better than our plans.
Thank you very much. May God bless you all.

Prayer and Praise for land purchased and homes to be built!
We have purchased a piece of land and have plans to build at least 12 homes for the homeless needy people. Each home will cost about $500 and will be built with bamboo and wood. We also plan to build a church meeting place which will cost about $10,000.
If you would like to donate to help with this great need, please donate and designate Disaster Relief and note “homes” or “church”

Christmas celebration at Wireless Church of Christ and new convert baptisms.
Mission Myanmar is a 501C3 and 100% of support goes directly to the mission. Board members are: Judah Tangshing, Suzanne and Jeff Kosik, Ross Runnels, Doug Johnson, and Michael Chambers. Mission Myanmar is administered by the Global Outreach Team at Real Life Church.
To give online go to or send a check to: Mission Myanmar, 1501 Steve’s Rd, Clermont, FL 34711.