Myint Myint San grew up in a mixed religion family, her mother was a Christian and her father was a Buddhist. Unfortunately, her mother was a drunkard and always made problems. Because she respected her father and his lifestyle more than that of her mother, she looked down on and came to hate and resent Christians. Sometimes her mother would bring her to our church or we would visit in her home. When we would talk to her she pretended not to listen or she would hide from us. One year we took her Christmas caroling with us and she started to enjoy the singing. She started coming to the church and she carefully watched our lives to see how we lived. She saw that we were living good and respectable lives and she realized what she thought about Christianity was wrong. She repented and then I baptized her. I teased her that her stone heart is melted now! We then sent her to Bible school where we supported her until she graduated. She now oversees a preschool in Bago, where her husband, Was Se Oo, leads a small house church in this previously unreached area. They have also taken several orphaned children into their home. Myint Myint San loves teaching children about the One True God who is Alive! She is full of joy and gives God all the glory! Myint Myint Sand and Was Se Oo now have 2 natural born children too. If you would like to sponsor them, please click here now.